Monday, June 16, 2008

I thought I'd give it a go...

So after much prompting I thought I'd give this whole blogging thing a go. We'll see how it goes and I guess you all will get to see how nuts I am. I kinda wonder who all wants to read this, but I guess you would be surprised how curious people are about someone else's life.

Life updates:

Caroline will be eighteen months old in three days. She is the highlight of my life and also happens to be the most beautiful child I know (running a tight race with four other blue eyed beauties I know). She can say nearly anything she wants to say, including DUMB DOG and, my personal favorite, Are you okay? She really is a smart baby and I worry that she is growing up too fast.

I'm doing some contract work at a group home for teenage boys (God help me) and it hasn't been too terrible so far. For the most part they are a good group of guys. They really make me laugh sometimes. I think I had started to forget how self consumed teenagers are (not that I was EVER self consumed! HA!) and so it's funny when they freak out about things. I have already heard myself say (more than once) "Because I am the adult, and you are the child." I try my best not to have to say that phrase because once you do, you've lost them . They don't hear anything else because you 'just don't get it'. I'm sure my mom doesn't think that ten teenagers is punishment enough for all that I put my mom and dad through.

In November we bought the money pit. Not really. Really we bought a house on East College Street that was built in the late 1800's. It had not really been touched since the 1950's and it smelled pretty terrible. Now when I say it smelled pretty terrible I mean that it stunk like no tomorrow. We've been working on the house since then. Thankfully, we have a great family and some good friends who worked really hard helping us. Had it not been for them we would still be stripping wallpaper. We have 'finished' all but two rooms (and the sun porch). It is absolutely unbelievable what all we've done(and I say WE collectively because every single person who painted, scraped, cleaned, and picked up really heavy furniture a ridiculous number of times is part of that WE). Sometimes I can't remember what a room looked like before and THAT is amazing! It even feels like a different house.

Our life has been crazy (I mean that quite literally) since November and I hope that things are calming down.

I'll see if I can post some photos.....

All the Best,
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