Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Geez, where to begin.

The Fortress will probably close in May. We don't have an exact date but I'm guessing after school is out. I'm stressed... angry... sad... confused... I'm everything. But it is what it is and I can't change it. Anyone want to hire a big fat pregnant lady? These kids are so sad. I feel really bad for them and they're being fed a pile of crap. I'm just so exhausted by it all. I wish I could do SOMETHING. I just don't know that I can do anything. I hate feeling helpless and it makes me so sad.

Josie will be here in June so that will keep me busy for a bit :). I don't know what we'll do after that because this is not really what we planned. Who am I kidding, none of this was planned! But we'll figure it out. Unfortunately, I have to work right now because Chris is only working 3 or 4 days a week, depending on how sales are going and all that. So we're stuck in this crappy economy just like everyone else. I know something will work out but I just feel pissed because I want to be able to enjoy my baby and I'm afraid that I won't get to. I know that I was lucky to be able to stay home with Caroline for so long and that I shouldn't complain because women do this all the time. I just think it's shitty. There, I said it.

Caroline is growing up so fast. She's completely potty trained and sleeping in 'big girl' panties. I can't believe how grown up she is and how funny she is. She's our little monkey.

I'm doing well, apart from the whole stressed to the max thing. I passed my three hour sugar test and so no pricking my finger or eating cardboard. I got to have cake on my birthday and you have no idea how happy that made me! I expected to have gestational diabeties again and so I was happy when I passed the three hour glucose test.

Hopefully I'll have a happier post soon. We're having a yard sale this weekend so come by and buy my old junk!!!

Hope everyone is well!
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