Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Wow, it's june. Oh, the shame.

I don't feel like getting all mushy and going on and on about things right now. Their are lots of updates but I'll have to get into those later. Josie will be a year old in two days. Time does fly.....

I think I'll just make a list of the nutty things I've done so far this week, just for giggles:
1. I went to the drive through a the bank and when the lady sent the time capsule back (ok, it's not really a time capsule but it looks like it is...) I just threw the thing into the passenger seat and drove away. I had to take it back when I finally realized what I had done.
2. I put Josie's onsie on completely inside out. Buttons and all. I have no idea how I managed to get them buttoned but I did. And instead of changing her, I just let her hang out in an inside out onsie. Yep, that's how I roll.
3. I let Caroline have a chocolate ice cream cone in the car. All mommy's know that this is in direct voilation mommy law. And for the record, if you make your kid get out of the car and turn the hose on her while she is still fully dressed, people driving by will look at you like you are beating her with the hose pipe.

It's only Wednesday..... Pin It