Wednesday, May 25, 2011

You and me and the devil makes three......

I wait until my children are asleep and then I have something yummy to eat. That's right, I don't like to share. Tonight it was crunchy peanut butter on toast. It's way past time to buy groceries....... This habit is absolutely self defeating since I ran three miles this afternoon just so I could eat crunchy peanut butter toast. Now I feel stupid.

Some days are so crazy and so full of whiney-ness that I threaten to go out and get a real job. Today was one of those days.

So goodnight. Pin It

Sunday, May 15, 2011

And another confession (#6 or 7, I think):
If you leave your 2 year old and a sheet of stickers in a room together for about 40 seconds then you will have a two year old who is completely covered in stickers. From head, to toe. And then you will have to peel each one of these stickers off while she screams so loud that your ears bleed. And then some of those stickers won't peel off and so you will have to literally scrub them off. And if you're lucky your friend will babysit for you and she will finish pulling off all the super sticky stickers. Because she rocks.

Confession #8:
This week I had to run to the bank. I was supposed to make a deposit but the line was soooooo long so I decided that I would attempt to make a deposit in the ATM. So I pull into the ATM and stick my card in and then I enter what i THINK is my pen number. I was wrong...... so I tried again. WRONG. I completely forgot my pin number. I am super special!! :) Pin It