Friday, December 31, 2010

How do you measure a year?

How can it be New Years Eve? I have no idea where this year went, I still can't figure out where this decade went. Seriously, I'm supposed to be twenty years old and making out with strangers on New Years Eve. (Which I will fervently deny if ever asked!) I keep replaying the last ten years in my head and I'm not sure where they've gone. We cleaned out the sun room so that I can have an "official" sewing room and I've been going through boxes and boxes of nostalgia. The things I wish I would have saved are long gone and the things I should have tossed long ago were still piled up in boxes. Going through all that stuff has sent me on a journey back. There were pictures and year books and journals and clippings of all kinds of stuff that meant so much to me then. All of it boxed up and thrown into bigger boxes and stuffed in the back of the house. It seems so crazy that in ten years my life has changed so much. I still feel young. I still look young (don't argue with me on this point). But I'm getting older. And I like to think a little wiser (don't argue with me).

How do you measure a year? How do you measure ten years?

This year I've lost friends and gained friends. I've had my heart broken, and I've found love. I've cried, and laughed. And more than anything else, I've found my little way. Not a perfect way. But my way.

So I'll measure 2010 in giggles, in secrets, in coloring pages, in cups of coffee, and juice boxes, in hairbows and fits over hairbows, in all nighters, in very early mornings. I'll measure in yards of fabric, in laugh lines, in projects finished and those that may never get finished. I'll measure in hugs and kisses, in snuggles, in big smiles and in "I love you, mama's". I measure in realizations, and in love that is unmeasurable.

I'm not sure I can measure the last decade in just one post. But for starters I'll measure this decade in lessons learned, in losses and gains, in weddings and funerals, in births. I'll measure in dreams, in hard realities, in laughs, and more laughs. I'll measure in love.

It's been a wild ride. And there is little I would change....... I used to say I wouldn't change anything, but that's just being young and dumb. There are things I would change. But I guess that's how you learn. When you're dumb you gotta be tough, right?

Happy New Year.

Enjoy the pictures I've measured this year with..........

Pin It

Monday, November 15, 2010


I am so so so sick of being sick. Seriously, in the past two months I've had Strep, Bronchitis, and now I have a horrible cold. I'm just done. I don't get it, I want to feel NORMAL. When will that ever happen, I don't know. But if I don't get well soon there are going to be some heads rolling. HA! So now I'm going to crawl in the bed and sleep forever, or at least until Josie wakes up at 2 am because her nose is stuffy too. I absolutely hate this...... absolutely....

Life is so crazy and there are so many hurting hearts. I guess I shouldn't complain about my cold.....

God is good though. He has it all figured out and I know that his plans are much greater than mine...... Pin It

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Confession # 356, and Confession #357

#356: Happy Halloween, even if it does fall on Sunday and people are freaking out about it.... guess what people, I don't think Jesus is going to mind that Halloween fell on a Sunday and that there might be children walking about asking for candy on a Sunday night. Get over it.

# 357: Steriod shots and steriods in general make me crazier than normal. The time is 1:42 AM and I can't even force myself to sleep. It so sucks. I am going to be one crabby mama tomorrow. Or maybe not..... I have another five days of this crap...... Geez!!! I am done with sickness.... it totally sucks and I refuse to get sick again any time soon.....

On a side note I can't wait to post more about Halloween! Looks like we'll be spending the weekend in costume... at least we're getting our money's worth!

Ahhhh... a baby wakes.... love to all Pin It

Friday, September 24, 2010

The tale of the missing embroidery thread

Oh my. I've started a smocking class and it is so fun. So I'm smocking a bishop dress for Caroline and one for Josie and I've been working on it in all my spare time :P but on Wednesday as I was smocking away and went to grab the embroidery thread out of my bag I realized that, it's missing.... not just the one but both of the brown's that I have to smock the dresses with are completely gone out of the bag. Some little turd has stolen my brown embroidery thread! And not even the pink or the green that was also in the bag but the TWO colors that I really need to finish these dresses!!!! I have searched this house over a hundred times. I can't find either one of them anywhere. And I'm pissed about it! I usually just roll with it when things disappear at our house but this time I just can't let it go. I'm like a crazy woman quizzing Caroline about it and searching all over for two stupid strands of embroidery thread. Chris, the moron, keeps saying.... "Just go get some more..." Well, silly man, that would be the rational thing to do wouldn't it! Just admit defeat and try to find the matching browns at the store..... BUT I DON'T WANT to do that!!! I want to find my embroidery thread!!!!!

I do realize that I'm acting like a nut. But that's what makes me the crazy woman.

I don't think I looked in the couch cushions in the front room, I'm going to look now..... Pin It

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Well Goodbye summer, but not the heat...

I guess we' re saying goodbye to summer since school starts next week. But it is still unbelievably hot out. I think something crazy like 101 yesterday.

I wish summer would never end. I feel like a child dreaming about warm sunny days and far away trips and ice cream. Swimming in lakes and oceans and pools, and late nights and lightning bugs. I guess I just feel more alive in the summertime.

The summer has flown by. It has been wonderful though. We had such a wonderful time at the beach. We went to St. George, which is about two hours east of Panama City beach. It was so beautiful. No oil. I hate to think that we may never again see our gulf the same. People there are so worried. All the kids had so much fun. And that was the beginning of Caroline's fearlessness in regards to the water. After her trauma with swimming lessons it was a great relief! She has since started swimming underwater! This is a huge transformation from the Ci at the beginning of summer.

My girls are growing so fast. Caroline will start preschool this fall. It is bittersweet. Josie is growing so fast. She has such a sweet little personality and is already becoming a little girlie girl. She has taken to dragging one of Caroline's purses around the house. They play so well together and love one another so much. I hope it lasts through the teenage years!!

Love to all~
Ali Pin It

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Okay, that's enough

It has not been my week. We have fleas. Not just a few but every single flea in the county has taken up residence in my house. I kicked the cat out and we set off bombs, we sprayed, I vacuumed like a crazy person. Still fleas. We called the pest control people. They sprayed and sprayed. We still have fleas. The majority of them are hanging out in the laundry room, which means that I have to be attacked by millions (okay, I may be milking it just a little) of fleas while I wash the near ceiling height pile of clothes that have stacked up over the past week while I avoided going in there so I wouldn't be eaten alive. On top of our flea epidemic I also have strep. Yay me. I have no idea where I got strep. My kids aren't sick. Just me. We leave for the beach on Saturday and I have done absolutely nothing to prepare. I would pack but we don't have any clean clothes. So I have decided that I will sit and blog while another load of clothes washes.

Josie's birthday was fun. She tore into the cake like nothing I've ever seen from a one year old! That girl likes some cake!! I'm excited to see how she does at the beach. I'll let you know.....

Allison and Josh's wedding was so beautiful and so so so much fun. I wish I had more time to talk about how much fun it was and how great everything looked. I'm so glad we got to be a part of their special day!

love, love...
Pin It

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Wow, it's june. Oh, the shame.

I don't feel like getting all mushy and going on and on about things right now. Their are lots of updates but I'll have to get into those later. Josie will be a year old in two days. Time does fly.....

I think I'll just make a list of the nutty things I've done so far this week, just for giggles:
1. I went to the drive through a the bank and when the lady sent the time capsule back (ok, it's not really a time capsule but it looks like it is...) I just threw the thing into the passenger seat and drove away. I had to take it back when I finally realized what I had done.
2. I put Josie's onsie on completely inside out. Buttons and all. I have no idea how I managed to get them buttoned but I did. And instead of changing her, I just let her hang out in an inside out onsie. Yep, that's how I roll.
3. I let Caroline have a chocolate ice cream cone in the car. All mommy's know that this is in direct voilation mommy law. And for the record, if you make your kid get out of the car and turn the hose on her while she is still fully dressed, people driving by will look at you like you are beating her with the hose pipe.

It's only Wednesday..... Pin It

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My feet are cold

It's cold outside and my feet are cold.

My heart is cold too. But I'm working on it.

I've started looking at preschools for Caroline next year. It makes me so sad. I can't stand to think that I have to begin releasing her into this crazy world. And yes, I do want to shelter her. And if you're thinking how dumb that is then you are exactly who I want to shelter her from. You nut-job.

It just seems like the world is so crazy. I just don't understand. When I look at her I see such joy. Like she is filled to the brim with love. If we would all love like that life would be so much calmer.

I'm working to simplify my life. I have to chant it over and over and over. It's harder than it should be. It amazes me how much drama and crap I am part of. Before, I don't think I would have even realized (much less acknowledged)my part in the crazy. I am making conscious decisions to try my best to not be part of drama, craziness, gossip, and the rest. I keep saying that I'm banning crazy from my life. Chris asked when I was leaving him :)

I think that I was/ am always really good at pointing to the crazy in others and not owning my own crazy. Because I know that I create drama and spread craziness as much as anyone else. Sometimes I do more than my own part. And I know I have to stop.

I've re-read The Four Agreements for about the million-th time. And it's still hard to swallow. Not the "agreements" per say but putting them into practice. It's so much easier to be selfish and to judge others.

I challenge you to read the book and to attempt to adopt these four agreements.
1. Be impeccable with your word (say only what you mean)
2. Don't make assumptions (communicate everything)
3. Don't take anything personally (nothing anyone else says or does is because of you- I know shocker, right, the whole world doesn't revolve around me!)
4. Always do your best

It's hard. Maybe I can blog more about this another day. I feel strongly about it. I think this is who I should/ could be. And I have lots of questions too.

But Caroline wants a drink and I've been sitting here too long.... alas, motherhood strikes again.

Love to all. Simplify... Balance... Simplify... Balance... Pin It

Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Year, old me

Chris and I rang in the new year painting the den. It was actually the most fun I've had in awhile. (what does that say about my life). But really. I laughed and laughed. I'm excited about whatever this year has in store. Whatever it is, I know it will be interesting...

We had a wonderful Christmas. It was really nice not to rush around to a million different places and to kind of enjoy our time with the girls. Between Caroline's birthday and Christmas our house is literally full of toys and other stuff. I'm really ashamed of it all. I don't want them thinking that this is what Christmas is about. I have to have a serious talk with Chris' mom about all the buying. We did Christmas at their house the Sunday before Christmas and she bought Caroline more than Santa brought both girls combined. It was out of control. Needless to say the majority of it got lost in transit. No kid should own that much stuff.

We took Ci and Josie to see Santa the week before Christmas and the photo is the funniest thing I've ever seen. Ci was pumped to see Santa and unload her wish list on him. Well, until we were next in line to see him. She just froze and looked at her daddy and said "I don't want to go". Notice she said that to him because she knew I was going to make her. Chris got her to sit on the little seat beside Santa and after the girl had taken the photo I had to pick her up and carry her away because she was literally frozen. After we walked away she looked at me and said "Well, I guess I'm still a little shy."

They are lots of fun and I love them to the moon and back.

Love to all Pin It