Thursday, July 10, 2008

Beach Baby

We spent the week of the 4th at the beach. It was wonderful! "We" included my entire family. It's always amazing how small we can all make a big four bedroom house! We ventured to St. George Island this year. We're usually Sunset Beach people but the ten hour drive would have broke the bank this year. It's a great island and I now know why they call it the forgotten coast. We spent the week in the sand and the sun and I have a slight tan! This is the first tan I've had in about ten years! Caroline loved the beach and the water. She would just run straight into the waves, unafraid.

We all had so much fun. We went to one of the best parades I've ever been to, no joke. Instead of throwing candy most floats sprayed you with these huge super soakers! It was great since the parade was at noon and it was so hot. The highlight of the week was spent watching fireworks on the beach on the 4th. Beth and Brandon stopped on the way out of Alabama and bought all these "great" fireworks. She thought spending sixty bucks was going to blow away the crowds on the island. HA! The fireworks there made Liberty Day look lame. It was hilarious because all of these huge fireworks would go off and then we would shoot one that looked like a roman candle. Too funny!

I hope you all enjoy the pictures. Hope all is well :)
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