Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I'm pulling out my soapbox. Beware.

I've listened for years to people who talk about cooperation, kindness, loving your neighbor, etc., etc., etc. I embrace these things, as those of you who know me know. I have my own set of flaws, don't get me wrong. Lord knows that I'm not any where near perfect. But I've listened to people talk about cooperation and kindness and loving your neighbor and then watched as they did exactly the opposite. And I guess I'm a bit slow, but I've just realized that what they always meant is "Cooperate with people who are like you, be kind to those who can get you something, and love your neighbor if they 'fit' in the neighborhood." I'm disappointed. I feel really disappointed.

Most of you know about my boys. The ten teenage boys who have become my children, my headache, my heart. And I know there are some who think teenagers are annoying and selfish. And you are right. But they are also people. I can remember how I felt as a teenager and I appreciate the adults who were kind to me even though I probably didn't deserve their kindness. I think I am the person I am today because of those adults.

I feel like Dr. Don's sermon last Sunday has had REAL relevance in my life this week. And I'm struggling to keep it fresh in my mind because the dark side of me wants to flush it down the toilet and get ugly! But I'm trying to 'kill people with kindness'. Because they are, after all, people.

All of this gibberish adds up to my desire to live in a world that is truly cooperative. One that doesn't judge a seventeen year old boy because his mother smoked too much crack. One that accepts someone no matter how they look, smell, or act. I want to live in a world where people accept me no matter what. And I've heard a million times that I am being naive. That this kind of world does not exist. That I should join the 'real world'. But I am telling you, my friend, WE created the present. We created the drama, the hate, and the uncooperative attitudes of society. And I feel disappointed in myself for doing so.

I would never ask for love. I think that may be too much to ask from a stranger who has no history, and no connection with another stranger. Because love is, after all, just a connection with another being. But I don't think asking for cooperation is too much. I think it's difficult and requires one to set aside their assumptions. But shouldn't we want that as spiritual human beings? And don't we? I know that I want to be included and to be accepted. I'm sure my fellow humans wants the same thing. The strange part is that I EXPECT to be respected and accepted and I find myself being disrespectful and unaccepting of others. Oh, the irony.

I hope that I can find cooperation in myself. I hope that I can learn to be the change I so desire.

May we love others as much as we love ourselves.

Ali Pin It

1 comment:

Jennifer Reno-Pierce said...

This is an awesome post Ali. I can empathize with everything you say. I could talk on this subject ALL DAY LONG!!! I wish you had more time to blog because I love to read what you have to say.