Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Well, we're having a baby girl!

We went to the doctor yesterday and found out that we are having a girl! Poor Chris must have asked the Ultrasound lady about five times if she was really, really sure. I think he was disappointed but he put on a pretty brave face. He finally acted excited when he called from work last night. I'm excited. I hate to say I called it but, I called it. When we first got to the doctor's office the ultrasound lady asked Ci Ci if she wanted a baby brother or a baby sister and Ci Ci said, "A baby dog." Then, after we found out she was a girl, Chris kept pointing to the ultrasound monitor and saying to Caroline, look there is your baby sister. Caroline went along with it for a second and then she looked at Chris and said, "No, Daddy. That's a monster!" We all laughed so hard. She has been so good and I hope she's this excited about the baby come June.

Yesterday we got our first "free" gift from Similac. It was some cheap bag with formula and a paci in it. Caroline has since carried the paci around giving it to her babies and stuffed animals, but never putting it in her mouth. She's so cute. I'll save my rant for why they give out free formula at prenatal appointments for another post. Maybe I should not have taken it and quickly told them where to stick their formula. Oh, I said I wouldn't rant..... and anyway, it's not the nurse's fault that she has to push formula onto unsuspecting mama's to be under the guise of a 'free' gift. I'll stop now and move on....

I'm doing well and the baby is doing well. But I hope you guys will pray for me. I know that life is pretty hard for everyone right now and that we're all pretty stressed out. I am no exception and I'm feeling all kinds of stress. The Fortress is struggling, to put it mildly, to survive in this town. I hope you guys will pray for me and for The Fortress as a whole. There are so many lives that will be affected if we are forced to close and I fear that possibility is nearing.

I'm happy to share our news with you all! Thank you for being interested in our lives!!!


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1 comment:

allison said...

I LOVE that you have become such a faithful blogger. I mean, two post within a couple of weeks. WOW! You know I am praying for you and The Fortress as well. Love you!