Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I see crazy people...

Just after Chris and I started dating he took me to see a fortune teller (I believe she called herself a 'medium') for my birthday. I won't even go into why he took me to see this lady, this was just the first in a series of bad gifts Chris has given me. Anyway, she said lots of stuff, most of which I can't even remember but I remember one thing in particular that continues to be true. She told me, and I quote "You are a beacon on light and you attract dark souls". I kid you not, she said this. Now I don't know about the whole "beacon of light" thing but I definitely agree that crazy people seek me out. Now she didn't say 'crazy people' but come on, we all know what she meant by 'dark souls'.

I'm telling you, they follow me! You put me in a room full of people and I swear that by the time I leave I will know the story of every fruitcake in the room. It's like I'm walking around wearing a "come here crazy people" sign. And I somehow always end up being friends/ friendly with these people. I am the DRIVER of the crazy train. And I can't get off. I can't help myself. Introduce me to a perfectly sane person and an utter nut-job and I guarantee that I'll have befriended the nut-job. What is wrong with me? They find me everywhere! Walmart, the grocery store, everywhere. Sometimes I go into stores avoiding making eye contact so that no one will stop me to tell me some insane story of how they're going home to be with Jesus this afternoon right after they cure cancer.

I just can't take anymore. I'm turning off the light. This beacon is closed. Pin It

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