Saturday, August 1, 2009

Time flies when you're birthing babies

Wow. It's almost shameful that Josie is now SEVEN weeks old and I'm just now blogging again. We welcomed Anna Josephine Payne to our family on June 11th. She had some complications and stayed in the NICU for 6 days. Six long, long days. She was born with fluid on her lungs and then we got stuck in the NICU vaccume. That's actually what my OB called it, "the NICU Vaccume". I have never been so happy to pull into our driveway. She is doing great now. She is a chubby little monkey and is so sweet. She has started really smiling and cooing and it is so sweet. Caroline has really done so well. She's had her moments but only once has she said "I don't like her". That was a bad day. Most days she's thrilled to hold her and kiss her and tell everyone else how to kiss her and hold her and "be easy with Baby Josie". She's a little mama.

This month and a half has flown by. It was so crazy to have her whisked away and to not be able to room in with her. Actually it was horrible, crazy isn't the right word. I have a new found respect for people who spend months with their little babies in the NICU. Soon I'll have to post about our attempt to break Josie out of the NICU and the very loud arguement we had with the hospital peditrician. The picture of that nurse feeding her like that is only one of the reasons I went nuts. The main reason being that when Chris and I showed up to see Josie at 3 AM she had a feeding tube up her nose! I literally went bonkers. Needless to say, every doctor, nurse, orderly, and receptionist avoided looking me in the eye from that morning on. I think I nearly made one really young nurse pee her pants. I can laugh now.... not so much then.

Things are going really well. The Fortress did close two weeks before Josie was born. I still talk to most of the guys. They are adjusting. I'm staying with the girls (look at me, saying "the girls"). It's really fun. CiCi was so excited that I wasn't going to work anymore. She would stop strangers in the grocery store and say "My mommy doesn't go to work now, she stays with ME!" So sweet. I don't plan on ever being a Social Worker again. I may eat those words, but I hope not. I still think Social Workers ROCK, I just don't want to rock anymore!

More posts coming soon... I swear! Love to you all...

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1 comment:

allison said...

Geez,,,it is about time!!!!