Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I'm tired....

I am exhausted. Not the "I'm tired" that comes after missing a couple of nights sleep but the "I'm tired" that has you physically and mentally drained. I'm usually a pretty tough cookie but I'm pooped. Josie screams nearly all day now. Her reflux is absolutely out of control. She's on prevacid but it might as well be water because it doesn't help. The only end to the screaming is walking. I have walked holes into the floor in our house and I've walked around the block so many times people probably think I'm crazy. Actually I must look crazy because last week some lady stopped as I was walking and asked if I needed a ride! hahaha. So not only do I look crazy but I also look homeless or something. If I could laugh maybe I could perk up. My house looks like a bomb went off here. It's making me crazy. But I don't have the time or energy to clean it up. I hit the surface and then WAHHHHHHHH! Yesterday I got to dust the front living room and our bedroom. But that's it, nothing more. As I sit and type this there is a section of train track sitting on the computer desk. Along with a yoohoo from God knows when. I'm tired people.

Josie has been asleep for exactly 36 minutes. I better hurry.

Caroline starts KIMCO tonight. I'm excited. I told her it was like bible school and she said "I don't like Bible School, they are mean". The funny part is that my mom was her Bible School teacher! And she loved every second of it. I know she's going to have fun. I'll have to pray for her teachers.

Life is strange. Sorry that I never call anyone. I do love you. But believe me, you wouldn't enjoy listening to screaming as I'm trying to talk. It's pointless.

Love to you. Happy post next time :) Pin It

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