Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My feet are cold

It's cold outside and my feet are cold.

My heart is cold too. But I'm working on it.

I've started looking at preschools for Caroline next year. It makes me so sad. I can't stand to think that I have to begin releasing her into this crazy world. And yes, I do want to shelter her. And if you're thinking how dumb that is then you are exactly who I want to shelter her from. You nut-job.

It just seems like the world is so crazy. I just don't understand. When I look at her I see such joy. Like she is filled to the brim with love. If we would all love like that life would be so much calmer.

I'm working to simplify my life. I have to chant it over and over and over. It's harder than it should be. It amazes me how much drama and crap I am part of. Before, I don't think I would have even realized (much less acknowledged)my part in the crazy. I am making conscious decisions to try my best to not be part of drama, craziness, gossip, and the rest. I keep saying that I'm banning crazy from my life. Chris asked when I was leaving him :)

I think that I was/ am always really good at pointing to the crazy in others and not owning my own crazy. Because I know that I create drama and spread craziness as much as anyone else. Sometimes I do more than my own part. And I know I have to stop.

I've re-read The Four Agreements for about the million-th time. And it's still hard to swallow. Not the "agreements" per say but putting them into practice. It's so much easier to be selfish and to judge others.

I challenge you to read the book and to attempt to adopt these four agreements.
1. Be impeccable with your word (say only what you mean)
2. Don't make assumptions (communicate everything)
3. Don't take anything personally (nothing anyone else says or does is because of you- I know shocker, right, the whole world doesn't revolve around me!)
4. Always do your best

It's hard. Maybe I can blog more about this another day. I feel strongly about it. I think this is who I should/ could be. And I have lots of questions too.

But Caroline wants a drink and I've been sitting here too long.... alas, motherhood strikes again.

Love to all. Simplify... Balance... Simplify... Balance... Pin It

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