Thursday, July 1, 2010

Okay, that's enough

It has not been my week. We have fleas. Not just a few but every single flea in the county has taken up residence in my house. I kicked the cat out and we set off bombs, we sprayed, I vacuumed like a crazy person. Still fleas. We called the pest control people. They sprayed and sprayed. We still have fleas. The majority of them are hanging out in the laundry room, which means that I have to be attacked by millions (okay, I may be milking it just a little) of fleas while I wash the near ceiling height pile of clothes that have stacked up over the past week while I avoided going in there so I wouldn't be eaten alive. On top of our flea epidemic I also have strep. Yay me. I have no idea where I got strep. My kids aren't sick. Just me. We leave for the beach on Saturday and I have done absolutely nothing to prepare. I would pack but we don't have any clean clothes. So I have decided that I will sit and blog while another load of clothes washes.

Josie's birthday was fun. She tore into the cake like nothing I've ever seen from a one year old! That girl likes some cake!! I'm excited to see how she does at the beach. I'll let you know.....

Allison and Josh's wedding was so beautiful and so so so much fun. I wish I had more time to talk about how much fun it was and how great everything looked. I'm so glad we got to be a part of their special day!

love, love...
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