Thursday, August 5, 2010

Well Goodbye summer, but not the heat...

I guess we' re saying goodbye to summer since school starts next week. But it is still unbelievably hot out. I think something crazy like 101 yesterday.

I wish summer would never end. I feel like a child dreaming about warm sunny days and far away trips and ice cream. Swimming in lakes and oceans and pools, and late nights and lightning bugs. I guess I just feel more alive in the summertime.

The summer has flown by. It has been wonderful though. We had such a wonderful time at the beach. We went to St. George, which is about two hours east of Panama City beach. It was so beautiful. No oil. I hate to think that we may never again see our gulf the same. People there are so worried. All the kids had so much fun. And that was the beginning of Caroline's fearlessness in regards to the water. After her trauma with swimming lessons it was a great relief! She has since started swimming underwater! This is a huge transformation from the Ci at the beginning of summer.

My girls are growing so fast. Caroline will start preschool this fall. It is bittersweet. Josie is growing so fast. She has such a sweet little personality and is already becoming a little girlie girl. She has taken to dragging one of Caroline's purses around the house. They play so well together and love one another so much. I hope it lasts through the teenage years!!

Love to all~
Ali Pin It

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