Friday, December 31, 2010

How do you measure a year?

How can it be New Years Eve? I have no idea where this year went, I still can't figure out where this decade went. Seriously, I'm supposed to be twenty years old and making out with strangers on New Years Eve. (Which I will fervently deny if ever asked!) I keep replaying the last ten years in my head and I'm not sure where they've gone. We cleaned out the sun room so that I can have an "official" sewing room and I've been going through boxes and boxes of nostalgia. The things I wish I would have saved are long gone and the things I should have tossed long ago were still piled up in boxes. Going through all that stuff has sent me on a journey back. There were pictures and year books and journals and clippings of all kinds of stuff that meant so much to me then. All of it boxed up and thrown into bigger boxes and stuffed in the back of the house. It seems so crazy that in ten years my life has changed so much. I still feel young. I still look young (don't argue with me on this point). But I'm getting older. And I like to think a little wiser (don't argue with me).

How do you measure a year? How do you measure ten years?

This year I've lost friends and gained friends. I've had my heart broken, and I've found love. I've cried, and laughed. And more than anything else, I've found my little way. Not a perfect way. But my way.

So I'll measure 2010 in giggles, in secrets, in coloring pages, in cups of coffee, and juice boxes, in hairbows and fits over hairbows, in all nighters, in very early mornings. I'll measure in yards of fabric, in laugh lines, in projects finished and those that may never get finished. I'll measure in hugs and kisses, in snuggles, in big smiles and in "I love you, mama's". I measure in realizations, and in love that is unmeasurable.

I'm not sure I can measure the last decade in just one post. But for starters I'll measure this decade in lessons learned, in losses and gains, in weddings and funerals, in births. I'll measure in dreams, in hard realities, in laughs, and more laughs. I'll measure in love.

It's been a wild ride. And there is little I would change....... I used to say I wouldn't change anything, but that's just being young and dumb. There are things I would change. But I guess that's how you learn. When you're dumb you gotta be tough, right?

Happy New Year.

Enjoy the pictures I've measured this year with..........

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