Friday, March 18, 2011

Apparently, I don't know how to blog during daylight

Confession #4
A four year old will repeat everything you say. And they will tell on you if you talk about your spouse. Caroline told Chris not to "nut out" about something the other day. I guess I'm going to have to make a better effort of NOT saying "Chris is going to nut out". I told him that if he didn't nut out then I wouldn't say it..... he did not think that was funny :(

Confession #5
I havn't done laundry in four days. Ok, maybe five. And we no longer have ANY clean clothes. I had to put leggings and a t shirt on Josie for pajamas. And Caroline is down to her last pair of panties. I should be ashamed, I know. I actually think I did wash towels the other day because we were almost out, but other than that I've been a complete slacker. I don't understand how people can do laundry once a week, how does that happen? I could have probably done that in college but not now. Chris changes clothes more than a girl. I better watch out, he might nut out again.... bahahahahahahaha! I can't understand why.... but the why doesn't matter. So I will spend my Saturday washing clothes. Fun times.

Goodnight my friends. Pin It

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Beware of the ides of March, they'll bite you in the ass! I am a very poor blogger. I almost just made an excuse as to why I don't have time to blog but the truth is that I just don't. Who even cares why, right? The 'why' rarely, if ever, matters.

Even though it's March and I should have started in January I'm going to start more confessions and less "fluff". I'm better when I'm laughing at myself and who better to share my insanity with than the two of you out there reading this.

It's late so I'll start my confessions of 2011 shortly here and continue when it's light out.

Confession #1 (Numero Uno)
I don't speak Spanish. At all. Even Dora makes me confused. She starts counting and I get all nervous. Who knows what that crazy cartoon is saying!

Confession #2 (Numero Duo) (haha, that was a joke fool!)
I believe in ghosts. I know they exist because I've seen a few. And I don't even do drugs.

Confession # 3
I really, really, really love my kids. They are the sweetest and most wonderful girls in the world. And I hope I'm doing right by them. They are my purpose. And if all I ever do in my whole life is be their mama and love them unconditionally, then I have lived out my purpose on this earth and I will be able to die satisfied and happy.

Ali Pin It