Thursday, July 7, 2011

One, two, three strikes your out.....

Confession 13
I should be way past 13 by now.... geez. How have I been blogging my "confessions" for months and only be at 13? It's not like I'm giving away secrets here! So 13 can be that I often start things I don't finish. There, I said it. Out loud. Not that this is any surprise to anyone but I feel kind of like I just hung my big granny panties out on the front porch. It's not just the blog. It is the never ending story of my life. Sewing projects have stacked up for years. This is shameful. My back flower bed is only half weeded as I sit here and type. I am a starter. I love to start things. I'm just bad at the "finishing". And I'm working on it, I'm seriously trying to be better. But it is tough because it is so freaking hard!

There are these moments in my life that are honestly perfect and they come so infrequently that when they happen I am blown away. I don't know if anyone even knows what I mean, but I mean those moments when you JUST KNOW that this is what life is about. You know you will remember and cherish the moment forever. Tonight I had one of those moments. It was nothing spectacular, but it happened and I am thankful for it. I can remember other moments like this one. A snapshot of my feet hanging out of a car window on a hot afternoon in the middle of nowhere. Sitting under an oak tree at Monetvallo. Watching Caroline feed herself peas when she was still a baby. Nursing Josie back to sleep at two am and being happy to do so. Tonight it was singing. In the car tonight we all sang the abc song. Nothing special, just singing. And for the first time in a long time it felt like the world stopped and I must say, life was pretty good. Pin It

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