Monday, July 11, 2011

Sometimes I want to snap.....

Today was Monday, which mean gymnastics in our world. So we take Ci to gymnastics after Josie slept for about half an hour. Which mean chaos in our world because that kid needs to nap. We sat upstairs with all of the other parents. It seems like more people were there today than normal and we had to sit in the bleachers. So Josie was unhappy and digging through my purse and screaming at random old ladies as we're watching Ci practice. And I'm doing a pretty good job keeping my cool and keeping her as quiet as possible when all of a sudden my bra strap (the over the shoulder strap) snaps. And it snaps BIG! I should also mention that I'm wearing a sleeveless shirt, a light weight sleeveless shirt. And we all know that poor strap was holding it all together and that when it snapped it all fell apart. I couldn't even move. I had serious boobie droop and I was frozen there in front of all of these people with a screaming two year old. I finally realized that I couldn't sit there pretending that my one boob wasn't hanging out any longer and I scooped Josie up and got myself to the bathroom. I attempted to tie my bra strap back together because even though my purse weighs about twenty pounds there was NOTHING in there to hold my bra together. Needless to say, I put some safety pins in there when I got home. Geez.

That's all I have tonight. I think that's enough.... Pin It

Sunday, July 10, 2011

When you're dumb, you gotta be tough....

This week Chirs moved my laundry room so I can FINALLY have a REAL sewing room. YAY!!!! So I decided that I needed to help but since I can't install plumbing or run wiring I just pretty much supervised all week. Until Friday. Friday I got to help. We were supposed to go out to dinner for our anniversary that night and I had enough time to spray all of these cracks in the floor with that spray foam stuff. So I sprayed. And sprayed. And I thought I was doing a real bang up job, especially since I was smoothing it out with my hand as I went.... Then Chris walks in and says "You know you're not supposed to get that on your skin, don't you?" Well, NO.... I didn't know that. But I figure it's just going to wash off and he's being dramatic. So I finish foaming everything up and go wash my hands. But it doesn't wash off. Not only does it not wash off but it gets even more sticky. So sticky that when I pick up a towel the towel sticks to my hands. Uh Oh. So I break out the paint thinner. Paint thinner gets everything off.... except super sticky spray foam. Nothing. Not even a little better. So I start freaking out a little. I could handle something stuck to my hands, but not being able to touch anything without sticking to it was HORRIBLE! And so I decided to let the crap dry. And it dried. And my hands looked like I had contracted some nasty disease. Actually I've been peeling the glue stuff off and scrubbing my hands with a pumice stone for two days and I still have some glue on them. I am a moron. So if you were thinking about using spray foam be sure you don't scrape it up with your bare hands. Because that is a pretty stupid idea.

I have nearly as many Halloween decorations as I do Christmas decorations. I realized this after cleaning out ((again)) the laundry room (the NEW laundry room... YAY!). How did that even happen? So I have to throw some stuff out. I have all kinds of crap. Who needs three HUGE bins of Halloween decorations? I guess I do, kinda. But not really.

This crazy woman is one happy chicka! Pin It

Thursday, July 7, 2011

One, two, three strikes your out.....

Confession 13
I should be way past 13 by now.... geez. How have I been blogging my "confessions" for months and only be at 13? It's not like I'm giving away secrets here! So 13 can be that I often start things I don't finish. There, I said it. Out loud. Not that this is any surprise to anyone but I feel kind of like I just hung my big granny panties out on the front porch. It's not just the blog. It is the never ending story of my life. Sewing projects have stacked up for years. This is shameful. My back flower bed is only half weeded as I sit here and type. I am a starter. I love to start things. I'm just bad at the "finishing". And I'm working on it, I'm seriously trying to be better. But it is tough because it is so freaking hard!

There are these moments in my life that are honestly perfect and they come so infrequently that when they happen I am blown away. I don't know if anyone even knows what I mean, but I mean those moments when you JUST KNOW that this is what life is about. You know you will remember and cherish the moment forever. Tonight I had one of those moments. It was nothing spectacular, but it happened and I am thankful for it. I can remember other moments like this one. A snapshot of my feet hanging out of a car window on a hot afternoon in the middle of nowhere. Sitting under an oak tree at Monetvallo. Watching Caroline feed herself peas when she was still a baby. Nursing Josie back to sleep at two am and being happy to do so. Tonight it was singing. In the car tonight we all sang the abc song. Nothing special, just singing. And for the first time in a long time it felt like the world stopped and I must say, life was pretty good. Pin It

Monday, June 27, 2011

The sun will come out tomorrow....

There is a cabinet between our front room and our dining room that has been painted shut since we bought our house. Just this week I thought about it and realized I probably need to open it and find out what is in there. I still haven't opened it. I should do that.

I am a nut magnet. Seriously. I think I've said this before but I have to say it again. This isn't really a confession but something that has recently smacked me right in the face harder than ever before. Maybe I should start a new blog and title it "Why do I seek out crazies". For the longest time I've said that they are attracted to me but I'm really beginning to think I seek them out. What on earth is wrong with me? Seriously, what is wrong with me?

I often resort to bribery with my children. That's how I roll.

I need to laugh more. Pin It

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

You and me and the devil makes three......

I wait until my children are asleep and then I have something yummy to eat. That's right, I don't like to share. Tonight it was crunchy peanut butter on toast. It's way past time to buy groceries....... This habit is absolutely self defeating since I ran three miles this afternoon just so I could eat crunchy peanut butter toast. Now I feel stupid.

Some days are so crazy and so full of whiney-ness that I threaten to go out and get a real job. Today was one of those days.

So goodnight. Pin It

Sunday, May 15, 2011

And another confession (#6 or 7, I think):
If you leave your 2 year old and a sheet of stickers in a room together for about 40 seconds then you will have a two year old who is completely covered in stickers. From head, to toe. And then you will have to peel each one of these stickers off while she screams so loud that your ears bleed. And then some of those stickers won't peel off and so you will have to literally scrub them off. And if you're lucky your friend will babysit for you and she will finish pulling off all the super sticky stickers. Because she rocks.

Confession #8:
This week I had to run to the bank. I was supposed to make a deposit but the line was soooooo long so I decided that I would attempt to make a deposit in the ATM. So I pull into the ATM and stick my card in and then I enter what i THINK is my pen number. I was wrong...... so I tried again. WRONG. I completely forgot my pin number. I am super special!! :) Pin It

Friday, March 18, 2011

Apparently, I don't know how to blog during daylight

Confession #4
A four year old will repeat everything you say. And they will tell on you if you talk about your spouse. Caroline told Chris not to "nut out" about something the other day. I guess I'm going to have to make a better effort of NOT saying "Chris is going to nut out". I told him that if he didn't nut out then I wouldn't say it..... he did not think that was funny :(

Confession #5
I havn't done laundry in four days. Ok, maybe five. And we no longer have ANY clean clothes. I had to put leggings and a t shirt on Josie for pajamas. And Caroline is down to her last pair of panties. I should be ashamed, I know. I actually think I did wash towels the other day because we were almost out, but other than that I've been a complete slacker. I don't understand how people can do laundry once a week, how does that happen? I could have probably done that in college but not now. Chris changes clothes more than a girl. I better watch out, he might nut out again.... bahahahahahahaha! I can't understand why.... but the why doesn't matter. So I will spend my Saturday washing clothes. Fun times.

Goodnight my friends. Pin It

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Beware of the ides of March, they'll bite you in the ass! I am a very poor blogger. I almost just made an excuse as to why I don't have time to blog but the truth is that I just don't. Who even cares why, right? The 'why' rarely, if ever, matters.

Even though it's March and I should have started in January I'm going to start more confessions and less "fluff". I'm better when I'm laughing at myself and who better to share my insanity with than the two of you out there reading this.

It's late so I'll start my confessions of 2011 shortly here and continue when it's light out.

Confession #1 (Numero Uno)
I don't speak Spanish. At all. Even Dora makes me confused. She starts counting and I get all nervous. Who knows what that crazy cartoon is saying!

Confession #2 (Numero Duo) (haha, that was a joke fool!)
I believe in ghosts. I know they exist because I've seen a few. And I don't even do drugs.

Confession # 3
I really, really, really love my kids. They are the sweetest and most wonderful girls in the world. And I hope I'm doing right by them. They are my purpose. And if all I ever do in my whole life is be their mama and love them unconditionally, then I have lived out my purpose on this earth and I will be able to die satisfied and happy.

Ali Pin It